Bicyclists are allowed on most roadways and should be shown the same respect and courtesy as any other driver. Drivers of motor vehicles should exercise extra caution around bicyclists, as they do not have the same protection that passenger vehicles have. Any roadway collision can be devastating and injurious, but those involving bicycles are especially hazardous and often fatal as seen by Austin bicycle accident attorney and our firm founder, Daniel B. Ross.

Bicyclists are responsible for following the same rules of the road as any other driver, and motor vehicle drivers should treat bicycles as they would any other vehicle. If other drivers act recklessly or do not exercise reasonable care around bicyclists, they can cause serious injuries. Drivers must be alert to their surroundings, including bicycles. Many drivers who hit bicyclists say that they never saw the bike.

Types of Injuries from Bicycle Accidents in Texas

Bicycle accidents can result in a number of serious injuries. One of the most serious is a brain injury. Although wearing a safety helmet can reduce the risk of brain injury to a degree, it is not 100% effective at preventing a head injury. At higher speeds, the chance of the accident proving fatal increases dramatically. It’s crucial for motorists to respect bicyclists on the road. The most common types of injuries our Austin bicycle accident attorneys have seen include:

  • Traumatic brain injuries, such as concussions
  • Spinal cord injuries, which can result in permanent disability or paralysis
  • Friction burns, most commonly referred to as road rash, which describes the severe scrapes and heat burn injuries suffered by sliding across the road at high speeds over long distances
  • Broken bones from impact, which can result in internal hemorrhaging and are extremely painful
  • Lacerations sustained from debris, which can cause heavy blood loss
  • Death

Proving Negligence in Bicycle Accident Cases

As with any personal injury case, obtaining just compensation depends upon the ability of your Austin personal injury lawyer to prove negligence on part of the defendant. Doing so requires establishing three things:

  • The defendant had a duty to act with reasonable care. For example, drivers are expected to stay in their lanes and signal appropriately when they intend to shift lanes. Drifting into a bicycle lane or using it to pass illegally would not be acting with reasonable care.
  • They breached this duty to act with reasonable care by some action. This may be speeding, running a stop sign or red light, or driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  • The defendant’s breach of duty directly resulted in the victim’s injuries. The plaintiff must prove that the injuries would not have been sustained had the defendant acted with reasonable care.

Bicyclists may be held accountable if they are unsafe on the road and contribute to an accident. For example, if a bicyclist makes an illegal maneuver and another car must swerve to avoid hitting the bicyclist and they hit another vehicle, the bicyclist may be held responsible for the damages. While drivers need to be extra cautious around bicyclists, bicyclists need to follow the rules of the road as any other driver would.

Ross • Scalise Employment Lawyers | Bicycle Accident Lawyers in Austin, TX

In any bike accident case, the victims will probably have an easier time recovering just compensation if they retain the services of a competent and reliable Austin bicycle accident attorney. At the Ross • Scalise Employment Lawyers, our team is dedicated to exploring every possible avenue of compensation for our clients. When a driver’s negligence injures someone on a bicycle, the driver should be held responsible.

Call the Ross • Scalise Employment Lawyers at 512-474-7677 today for a consultation, and our team of legal professionals can provide a comprehensive overview of your case. We’ll explain the types of damages you may be eligible to collect, including medical expenses, property damage, the costs of ongoing necessary medical treatments and physical therapy, and pain and suffering.